
Ich fotografiere gerne Kinder, weil ihre Gefühle fröhlich, beeindruckend und inspirierend sind!
Fotos werden Ihr Leben lang eine Erinnerung an Ihren glücklichen Tag sein. Eine Fotosession kann im Studio oder an einem schönen Ort, an dem Ihre Feier stattfinden wird, organisiert werden. Ich verfüge über 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Shooting von Kindern und habe viele Ideen und Tipps, um diesen Tag unvergesslich zu machen.
Unsere Experten kennen alle Details und können Ihnen folgende Möglichkeiten anbieten:
- fashion catalogs;
- birthday photo session ;
- lifestyle photo session ;
- fashion magazines ;
- original costumes .
Nach dem Tag der Fotosession dauert es in der Regel 10 bis 30 Tage, bis Sie fertige Fotos erhalten.
Fashion catalogs | $21.00
Birthday photo session | $3.09 – $15.00 per hour; |
Lifestyle photo session
| $2.15 – $5.41 per hour;
Fashion magazines
| $4.11 |
Original costumes | $4.18 – $6.25 per hour.
Being good at business is important for anyone who is self-employed, but it is a necessity for photographers. First and foremost, as photographers, we need to be able to capture amazing photos for our clients. After all, this is what we are being hired to do. But, even if you are the best photographer in the world, skill alone will not guarantee success. We also need to be able to market our business, find new customers, and maintain our brand. Let’s take a look at each of these in more detail.
When photographers decide to do full-time photography, sometimes it is the culmination of many years of part-time work under their belt. Other times, they commit to being…
Achieving professional success in the increasingly competitive photography industry takes more than talent. It also requires a good dose of marketing savvy. Having an amazing website, using social media effectively, and making your clients feel special top the list.
At some point, you decided to take your passion and talent for portrait photography from being a hobby to officially starting a business. Or maybe you have been shooting for a while and have relocated to a different area of the country where you need to reestablish your existing business.